Lauren believes that the best path, for all of us, to a better world, lies in a revolution in the way we raise our children. When parents are able to see through a child’s off-track behavior to the need for connection underneath, it’s a total game changer. Lauren has over 15 years of experience working with children and their families. She is a parent educator and school consultant, and works with parents, teachers, school leaders, and caregivers providing classes, workshops, one-on-one consulting, and custom program development. She helps families and schools solve behavioral challenges while building stronger connections, and loves to support parents and caregivers as they learn to find the joy in becoming compassionate leaders in their families and communities. She is a certified instructor with Hand in Hand Parenting and has a degree from Northwestern University in Human Development and Social Policy. She has served as an arts director and staff trainer for after school programs, an early childhood teacher and school director. Lauren gives guest lectures for undergraduate and graduate level psychology courses, has presented at the Infant and Early Childhood Conference (WA), and has been a thesis consultant for early childhood best practices researchers. Lauren lives in Seattle, WA with her husband and daughter. When she’s not spending time with her family or working, she’s equally content with a power tool or an embroidery hoop.