Philip A. Cowan received his PhD from the University of Toronto and came to the University of California, Berkeley in 1963, where he is now a Professor of Psychology, Emeritus. He served as Director of the Clinical Psychology Program for 12 years and a 5-year term as the Director of the Institute of Human Development. Since 1979, he and Carolyn Pape Cowan have been co-directors of three longitudinal studies of how family relationships affect children’s adaptation. All three began with a couples group preventive intervention, led by mental health professionals, which had longterm positive effects on the couples and on their children. Professor Cowan is the author of “Piaget: With Feeling” (Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 1978), the co-author with Carolyn Pape Cowan of “When Partners Become Parents: The Big Life Change for Couples” (Basic Books, 1992, reprinted in 2000 by Lawrence Erlbaum), the co-editor of four additional books and monographs, and the author or co-author of numerous research articles in scientific journals.