Picky Eating, Healthy Eating

Worried about your picky eater? You’re not alone. While it’s completely normal, this developmental phase can be frustrating and may leaving you wondering:

    • Is your kid really just stubborn?
    • Do your eating attitudes affect your kid?
    • Can picky eating be healthy eating?
    • Am I really supposed to accommodate my child’s dietary choices?
    • Is it healthy for my child to be vegan?
    • When should I worry about my older kid’s eating habits?

In this kit you’ll learn the answers to these – and many more – questions about picky eating, along with expert strategies and effective activities to help you take the stress out of family mealtime. Ready? Let’s dig in!

What goes into making a course?

6 Episodes

14 Activities

173 Hours of study

4 Experts

56 Papers and books

31 Recommended Resources

Expert Highlights

Sahana Baker-Malone MA OTR/L

Occupational Therapist | Expert on Special Needs

The more chances kids have to understand the initial ingredients and then how they can turn into different things, the less strange and scary it will be when they’re presented in different ways.

— When to Get Help

Shiri Sadeh-Sharvit, PhD

Clinical Psychologist, Eating Disorder Specialist

It’s not advised to have many conflicts around mealtimes. And if you find yourself doing that, then this is the right time to reach out for help.

— When to Get Help

Gretchen Flanagan, RD

Pediatric Nutritionist

Parents need to recognize that their job is to provide those eating opportunities every three to four hours. And it’s their child’s responsibility to eat the amount they need at that time.

— Rethinking Mealtime

Alex Korb, PhD

Neuroscientist, Adjunct Assistant Professor at UCLA

Having the kid participate in some way in the preparation of the meal increases their sense of perceived control.

— Keeping It Fun

What the Parents Say

The activities in this course are amazing. “Countdown to Calm” is my favorite and it works every single time.

Eve D

I’ll be honest, we were a family of unlimited screen time. Learning about the impact of screens on emotions and patience gave me the motivation to commit to using the suggestions and screen detox plan in this course and it actually worked.

Kim M

As a nutritionist and a mom, I have to say this is FABULOUS advice for raising kids to have a healthy relationship with food!

Emily U

Both of my children are school age and have experienced bullying. This has helped me understand better how to handle it. It also gave me some ideas of how to help my children be active in stopping the bullying of themselves or classmates.

Jennifer C

I’m a dad and a behavior therapist, but I still find myself taking into these pitfalls from time to time. This is a great resource. My favorite part is hearing from other parents. It’s so relieving to know that there are other imperfect patches out there.

Raymond S

I’m really excited to have found you guys. My son is 3 and I’m feeling very stressed out and alone. This course helped me realize that parenting has a lot to do with self awareness and that there are ways to make life easier for the two of us.

Yana A

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